


  • 6 medium potatoes (peeled and shredded)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • oil
  • butter


  1. Put a little bit of oil in a large pan.  Add the shredded potatoes, and fry for about 10 minutes on medium heat..
  2. Shake the pan occasionally to make sure that the potatoes do not stick to the bottom of the pan.
    Add a few butter flakes, and sprinkle some salt on top of the potatoes.
  3. Place a large plate on top of the potatoes, and then turn the pan upside down, while holding the plate with one hand.
  4. Slide the potatoes back onto the plate in order to fry the other side.  Sprinkle some salt and pepper.
  5. Fry for another 10 minutes, or until the potatoes are done.